Module 3

the hybrid

the artefact

This module was the most challenging in my opinion, relying on an intimate understanding of various spatial functions. The focus here was in invoking the complex continuous surface of a piece a cloth, through the manipulation of a discrete set of grid geometries. I found planning to be a useful stage for this project, as it allowed me to decide on the intricacies that I wanted in the final artefact before the modelling stage. This goal-based method gave direction to the iterative workflow,
I believe my artefact to be the strongest of my outputs, as the manipulations used were more tactile and intuitive, thus giving me a greater sense of control over the final product than the previous iterations.
This module provided some fascinating insight into construction, both as an analog and a digital process. This occurred through learning about developable surfaces, and through my introduction to the Rhino 6 modelling software.